Monday, July 18, 2005

Restaurant Journals

I just spent two hours trying to find a restaurant journal that I could download onto my computer to use. Needless to say, I couldn't find one. This particular obsession started Thursday night when Sharon recommended this amazing restaurant in Chicago, and in my list-making state, I thought it would have been nice to start a running tally of all the restaurants I have enjoyed.

There are two options. One is to start a restaurant journal online in the form of a blog. The other is to buy an actual restaurant journal. I found two that I really like. This goes on My Wish List as I think about a decision.

Before pictures, in the fruitless search for a download, I did manage to come across a resource. Amazon has restaurant menus online. What a gift from the carry-out/planning dinner gods!

Inside of "Restaurants to Check Out". Can be bought at Amazon. Posted by Picasa

Dining Out - A Restaurant Journal. Can be bought at Journals Unlimited Posted by Picasa

Dining Out Mini Journal Posted by Picasa

Dining Out Restaurant Journal Full Size Posted by Picasa

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