Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Design is in the Details

The content of a website says a lot about people. The design of the website says more. When I took business classes in undergrad, I took a course about branding and how it is the subtle details that create the entire picture.

I like clean streamlined websites. They are easy to navigate, show what you want to read, and are nicely laid out. Messy websites have links all over the place, overindulgence of animation, and bursts of thoughts scattered around. I try to avoid them. I like websites where I can focus my attention on one thing and then easily move on to another on the same page. They might be simple, but they give the reader a sense of direction and purpose. And to the OCD person in every one of us, they give us a sense of not missing anything.

Websites I love:

Websites I avoid:

I've tried to streamline my website into something clean also. Monotone, big font, and lots of compartments. Brevity is also the word of the day.

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