all you need is LOVE: Love Parade, San Francisco Style 2005

Nevertheless, that trip to Europe holds a lot of fond memories, such as bears, the Tour de France, six-course meals in Prague, the easyInternetcafes, R-rated museums not found in the U.S., but above all, the Love Parade. What other city in the world allows its main boulevard to be shut down for a week to let hoards of people dressed in questionable fur leg warmers, jewel-studded bikinis, teased-up hairdos, and not much else, ride on floats thudding with the latest in techno and house music?? Which other parade has its participants stripping, dancing, and climbing streetlights? Only the Berlin Love Parade, where for the afternoon, only love, music, condoms, and outrageous costumes matter.
It is one of my favorite memories of unique Berlin. But an email landed in my inbox yesterday promoting the Love Parade in San Francisco this year on September 24th. Love Parade? San Francisco? They already have their distinguished Gay Pride Parade! Let Tel-Aviv try to imitate the Love Parade...but really, for a city which has already so many notable attractions, cramming one more in just makes it seem...ordinary.
I still like San Francisco for their jam though. Yum.
Labels: european shopping, fashion, germany, love parade, san francisco
i remember that you begged and begged me to put you up on my shoulders just so you could get a better view of the, what else, the condom float...this little person i knew for all of a couple days...and then when i finally agreed, you were too scared to do it, and i had to reverse convince you to go through with it. geez, the fire i walk for you.
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